The Source & Age Verification program is a USDA approved, non-biased, third-party audit that verifies the source and age of your calves. Source verification ensures the source of origin of your cattle while the age verification allows eligibility into export markets that have age requirements on their imported beef products.

- Superior Value Added Program Affidavit
- Source and Age Verification with IMI Global Application
- EID Tag Application Method
- Official Listing of Approved USDA Process Verified Programs


Programs other than Superior Verified or a breed association verification program. Actual name of the specific program is in lot information.
Superior Value Added Program Affidavit


G.A.P. uses independent, third-party certifiers to audit farms and verify compliance to our comprehensive standards and to assign the appropriate animal welfare certification level.
G.A.P. requires farms, raw material manufacturers, processing facilities, packaged product manufacturers, retailers, and foodservice establishments to abide by defined chain of custody protocols to ensure that all G.A.P. certified meat products are labeled and segregated properly before they are available for purchase. Superior Value Added Program Affidavit


Where Food Comes From CARE Certified is a sustainability standard for the beef industry that certifies participating ranchers are implementing best practices in animal care, environmental stewardship and supporting their local communities and the people within them. This attribute is becoming more and more important to today's consumer. CARE Certified is an annual, onsite value-added program that can stand alone or be bundled with NHTC, Verified Natural Beef and more. Superior Value Added Program Affidavit


The NHTC program is a USDA approved, non-biased, third-party audit that verifies the source, age and non-hormone treated status of your calves. This program is perfect for those producers already practicing non-hormone or natural procedures and want to see the benefit of those practices realized at sale time. When your cattle are NHTC verified, not only can you market them as such, but they will also qualify for export to the European Union - again adding value at sale time. NHTC verification requires an on-site audit that must occur prior to the cattle being sold. NHTC cattle must be sold to an approved NHTC location. If the buyer is not NHTC approved, the cattle will lose their NHTC approval status. If your ranch also acts as a backgrounder/stocker operation, you must receive separate approval to receive cattle from another ranch. Superior Value Added Program Affidavit


Process Verified Natural by Third Party auditors free of Antibiotics, Growth Promotants or any type of Animal by-product. VNB cattle must be sold to an approved VNB location. If the buyer is not VNB approved, the cattle will lose their VNB approval status. If your ranch also acts as a backgrounder/stocker operation, you must receive separate approval to receive cattle from another ranch. Superior Value Added Program Affidavit


Process Veg Fed by Third Party auditors certify that the cattle have never been fed any type of Animal By-Product. Milk derived by-products are an exception if fed pre-weaning. Veg Fed cattle are also enrolled as Verified Natural Beef and the same delivery requirements are adhered to.


Free of Ionophores, Antibiotics, Growth Promoting Hormones/Steroids, Beta Adrenoceptor or any type of animal by-product PLUS Seller will sign additional Natural Affidavit(s) for Buyers as they apply ONLY TO THE NATURAL STATUS of the cattle. Superior Value Added Program Affidavit


The Certified Natural program verifies that your calves have never received hormones, antibiotics or animal by-products. It is perfect for producers already practicing natural procedures and wanting to see the benefit of those practices realized at sale time. Superior Value Added Program Affidavit


- Superior Progressive Genetics is an innovative value-added program launched by Superior Livestock Auction to further enhance the marketing of cattle with top quality genetics.
- Superior Progressive Genetics creates a premium to both seedstock producers and their bull-buying customers by branding the seedstock producer's logo on-screen for qualified lots on Superior Livestock’s bi-monthly cattle auctions.
- The goal is to create a recognizable program that will enhance the value of qualified load lots, ultimately generating a greater premium for commercial cattlemen when their calves sell.


- Superior Progressive Genetics is a program that will produce the most cost-effective marketing to the most relevant national audience at a minimum cost.
- When the calves sell on Superior Livestock Auction, the seedstock producer’s ranch name logo will be displayed onscreen for the duration of the lot selling to designate that they are Superior Progressive Genetics.
- This excellent branding and marketing tool will target Superior’s consignors and buyers nationwide plus the universe of cattlemen watching on television and online as the calves sell.
- This program will expand the seedstock producer’s buyer base as more commercial cattlemen participate.
- Seedstock participants will also receive an open invitation to attend Superior’s special summer sales and promote their breeding program to the largest cow/calf operations in the U.S.


Superior Progressive Genetics is a value-added program that will identify load lots of cattle selling that are sired by the top genetics in the industry. Superior Progressive Genetics is the next value-added program in line to make a positive impact on cattle prices for qualified participants and offer the Superior Advantage. The qualified lots will be identified as being sired by "Progressive Genetics" bulls in the Superior Livestock Auction catalog.


The Superior consignor will have purchased enough bulls directly from a qualified SPG seedstock producer to sire an entire load of calves. Superior Reps will identify the cattle as qualifying for SPG as well as list the seedstock producer(s) from which the bulls were purchased. On sale day, qualified lots will receive the Superior Progressive Genetics logo on TV and Click-to-Bid as the lot is selling. Participating seedstock producers will also have their ranch name/logo branded on-screen next to the Superior Progressive Genetics logo.


Cattle Feeder Preferred Health and Management Program was designed to improve overall health & performance of calves at both the ranch and feedlot levels. Superior Value Added Program Affidavit


The Verified Grass-fed program is an approved USDA Process Verified claim.
- Cattle approved for this standard must be on diets solely derived from forage.
- Cattle must move through VGF approved locations.
- Superior Value Added Program Affidavit


We ensure that all feed given to the cattle is raised on our farms, and is 100% Non-GMO. Non-GMO fed means that the alfalfa and corn plants that make up the corn, alfalfa and corn silage in the feed is not genetically modified and therefore chemicals were not directly sprayed on the live crop. Superior Value Added Program Affidavit


- Cattle have been tested BVD-PI Free.
- Identify Bovine Viral Diarrhea Persistently Infected (BVD-PI) cattle in your herd and stop BVD-PI calves from shedding billions of viral particles a day.
- Increase Average Daily Gain (ADG) and Weaning Weight
- Reduce Labor and Medicine Costs
- Increased Conception Rates


Beef Quality Assurance is a national program that raises consumer confidence through offering proper management techniques and a commitment to quality.